Deal #6742 Version 76829 Version 76831

Location #e7Z3wIzU

unknown field: location.areas
unknown field: location.areas
Twifo Oil Palm Plantations Limited can be located at Twifo Ntafrewaso near Twifo Praso, in the Central Region of Ghana with a Nucleus planted area of 4234 ha. The company also accommodates smallholders on 1913ha of its concession. This might be the area on the left hand bottom of the shapefile. Spatial data derived from the Mapathon 2020.
Twifo Oil Palm Plantations Limited can be located at Twifo Ntafrewaso near Twifo Praso, in the Central Region of Ghana with a Nucleus planted area of 4234 ha. The company also accommodates smallholders on 1913ha of its concession. This might be the area on the left hand bottom of the shapefile. Spatial data derived from satellite imagery.