Deal #6603

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Names of communities / indigenous peoples affected

Name of community
In the Environmental Impact Assessment of this project identified the potential affected areas as details: ,
- Upstream area: Viengsamay and Nakeun villages of Phoukhoun District, Luangprabang Province ,
- Reservoir area: Samang and Bouampho villages of Phoukhoun District, Louangphrabang Province. Sopchoun, Dankhoua, Boxeun, Samui, Nongdy of Xieng Ngeun district, Luangphrabang Province,
- Construction area: Nongdy village of Xieng Ngeun District, Louangphrabang Province,
- Downstream area: Kengkoung village of Xieng Ngeun District, Louangphrabang Province,
Source EDL GEN
Comment on communities / indigenous peoples affected
Communities and authorities nearby need to be alert in cases of rising water levels in the dam.

How did the community react?

Comment on community reaction
The affected residents also say compensation for their land and farms flooded by the dams was far too low. Many of the approximately 100 families who have already been resettled say their new land isn’t large enough to support their livelihoods and doesn’t account for lost orchards and other investments they had made on their old land. Source: ASEAN Today

Displacement of people

Comment on displacement of people
In the EIA report said that an area of about 200 ha of forest and grassland near Pa Pang will be cleared for resettlement and agricultural land. The resettlement areas for the other villages will also require clearance of forestland. Source EDL GEN Over 600 families in Luang Prabang province are reportedly still waiting for the Lao government to give them new homes after they were displaced nearly five years ago by the construction of the Nam Khan 2 and Nam Khan 3 dams. The ASEAN Today posted article on 21 May 2021 which mentioned about Nam Khan dams that “local residents displaced by the Nam Khan dams and their large reservoirs have been living in temporary camps since 2016, waiting for the government to follow through on promises to give them new land on which they can farm and live”. Source: ASEAN Today Another source stated that Nam Khan 2 and Nam Khan 3 dams have to relocated villagers from 15 villages of roughly 5,000 affected people both in Xieng ngeun and Phoukhoun districts of Lungprabang province. Source: RFA Laos Based on Hobomap, it says that the Nam Khan 2 project required that 9 villages be relocated to new residences about 6 km away from the project. Source: Hobomap

Negative impacts for local communities

Negative impacts for local communities
Environmental degradation
Comment on negative impacts for local communities
The project states it will lessen environmental impacts with gas, petroleum and energy producer Gazprom Marketing and Trading Singapore Pte., Ltd agreeing with EDL on an Emissions Reduction Purchase Agreement in 2012 to buy carbon credits from the project via a clean development mechanism. Source: WLE/Vientiane Times Some environmental impacts were also identified in the project information for CDM/UNFCCC such as air quality, noise, soil (erosion and landslide), the impact to aquatic ecology, biodiversity, forest, grassland. Source: CDM/UNFCCC

Promised or received compensation

Promised compensation (e.g. for damages or resettlements)
About 400 affected people who live in Phouxang resettlement site had no agricultural land and the compensation payment was also very slow. Source: RFA Laos