Deal #6599

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Names of communities / indigenous peoples affected

Name of community
Nongkan village

How did the community react?

Comment on community reaction
Houay Lamphan Gnai Dam developer and the local government issued an order to the villagers from the nine villages of Thateng district, Sekong province to disallow hunting and farming nearby the dam construction. The order says if villagers did not follow, they will be fined according to the Lao laws. Many villagers expressed that since the project has started, they have had no access to the forest and the river to find food as they used to do before the project came. Villagers claimed that they lost their land due to the dam construction and got only little compensation. Source: RFA Laos

Displacement of people

Displacement of people
Number of people actually displaced
1 000
Number of households actually displaced
Comment on displacement of people
More than 100 families consisted of over 1,000 people were relocated to the resettlement site, Houay Dam Mai resettlement village in Thateng district, Sekong province since 2013. Source: RFA Laos

Negative impacts for local communities

Negative impacts for local communities
Environmental degradation
Comment on negative impacts for local communities
Impacts on aquatic ecosystems on Sekong river, reduction in stream flow in the Houay Lamphan Gnai Source: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY report of EIA for Houay Lamphan Gnai dam