Deal #6523

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3. Data source #pEE2VFRE

Media report
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Vientiane Times report on 10/07/2014: "Construction of the 64.7 megawatt run-of-river Nam Lik 1 hydropower project is set to commence this year in Phonhong district, Vientiane province, with the generated electricity slated for sale to Electricite du Laos (EDL). The stone laying ceremony took place yesterday at the construction site, attended by Deputy Minister of Energy and Mines Dr Sinava Souphanouvong, provincial Governor Mr Khammeung Phongthady, representatives from the Thai Embassy in Laos and relevant government and private sector organisations. According to the project design, Nam Lik 1 dam will be constructed as a concrete gravity structure built between sandstone outcrops. The dam will be approximately 39.5m high from its foundations to its crest with overall crest length of the dam approximately 148.6m. The power intake is designed to supply a flow of approximately 310 m3 per second. The powerhouse is located against the dam-spillway right lateral wall. The power station will contain two bulb turbines combining for a projected capacity of 64.7 MW. The transmission line will be a single circuit 115 kV overhead line 11km long connecting the powerhouse to the substation in Hin Heup village. The transmission lines require a cleared swath of land over their 11km length. “The main objectives of our projects are to relieve the present shortage of power in the existing national transmission and distribution grid. The project will also enhance the socio-economic situation of the region and sustainable development in Laos as well as increasing the share of renewable energy in the regional grid,” said Mr Kowit Chuengsatiansup, Company Managing Director. He also said that NamLik 1 Power Company Limited (NLIPC) will establish measures to improve the living conditions of local communities, and hopes that the project's completion will contribute to electric power security for Laos and boost economic growth in Vientiane province. The developers will begin dam construction in June 2014, with commercial operations slated to commence three years later. [...] The Lao government signed the memorandum of understanding with the project developers back in 2006. The project has gone through several studies, including environmental and social impact analysis before progressing to the Project Development Agreement and the approval of the Concession Agreement on February 6, 2013, with NL1PC as the project developer. NL1PC has been established under the laws of Laos as a private limited liability company with a project investment of US$124 million. The company consists of four shareholders, including PTT International Holding Limited, a private limited company incorporated in Hong Kong and a group company of PTT Public Company Limited; Hydro Engineering Co., Ltd. POSCO Engineering and Construction Company Limited; and Electricite du Laos. The company's principal activity is to generate electricity from the hydroelectric power plant for sale solely to Electricite du Laos"