Version 87758 Version 87839
Comment on land area
The Nam Long 1 Reservoir covers around 22,000 hectares of flooded area.
The Nam Long 1 Reservoir covers around 22,000 hectares of flooded area. The reservoir area of this dam is 156 km2 or 15,600 ha Source: EDL-GEN
Comment on intention of investment
Nam Long, installed capacity: 5 MW
Nam Long, installed capacity: 5 MW As said in another source, the Nam Long 1 project is a Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project under the Kyoto Protocol. After completed the Nam Long 1 dam, the company planned to develop more 4 dams on Nam Long river (according company website). Source: Hobomap & LCC Laos
Comment on investment chain
Nam Long Power Co Ltd was established in 2009 between LCC and EDL, with the purpose to build, own and operate the Nam Long hydropower project.
Nam Long Power Co Ltd was established in 2009 between LCC and EDL, with the purpose to build, own and operate the Nam Long hydropower project. Luangpaseuth Construction Company owns 80% and EDL-GEN owns 20% for this 5.6 MW project. Source: EDL-GEN
Comment on displacement of people
RFA Laos reported that the project also relocated local people, but there was no number of people who displaced was reported in the news at that time. Source: RFA Lao
Negative impacts for local communities
Environmental degradation
Comment on negative impacts for local communities
The Initial Environmental Examination with Environmental Management Plan (IEE) for the project was compiled by National Consulting Group (NCG). The IEE has approved by the Water Resources and Environment Administration on 7th December 2009. The IEE report suggested the company to minimize the negative impact on environment such as wastewater, exhaust gases and dust, solid and liquid waste during the construction phase and impact on ecosystem. Source: EDM/Hobomap
Comment on use of produce
Estimated annual output of 37 GWh (seems a bit high) will be supplied to the local Luang Namtha grid. As of year 2020 this grid is not connected with the main grid of Lao EDL but connected with China Southern Power Grid through transmission lines.
Estimated annual output of 37 GWh (seems a bit high) will be supplied to the local Luang Namtha grid. As of year 2020 this grid is not connected with the main grid of Lao EDL but connected with China Southern Power Grid through transmission lines. The import electricity mainly is to supply central Namtha and Sing Districts of Lungnamtha province. Source: Promotional video of the project

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Publication title
Process of Nam Long dam construction