Version 74617 Version 87483
Comment on nature of the deal
Currently, there is no active lease agreement within the operating company
Negotiation status
  • [2011, current] Concluded (Contract signed)
  • [2011] Concluded (Contract signed)
  • [current] Failed (Contract cancelled)
Comment on negotiation status
The company was terminated right after it changed its owner to a foreign investor. The land contracts were cancelled and reconcluded with Baryshivska Grain Company LLC.
Comment on implementation status
Land was in operation before 2000 but as state-owned farm, not comercial.
The land was in operation before 2000 but as a state-owned farm, not commercial. Currently, these lands are still operational but within BZC company (Grain Alliance holding) - deals 4595 and related
Comment on investment chain
The operating company Mayak LLC is terminated and merged with Baryshevsky Grain Company LLC
Overall comment
New deal in Ukraine from 2011.
A new deal in Ukraine from 2011. Currently, it is merged with Baryshivska Grain Company LLC (deals 4595 and other related) The indicated operating company is terminated
Fully updated

Data source #1Dxof9er

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Comment on data source
Updated operating company profile that shows history changes and termination process