Deal #5878
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Detailed crop, animal and mineral information
Crops area/yield/export
- Cassava (Maniok), Sweet Potatoes [current]
Comment on crops
The project to be based in the Mushumbi pools in the Mbire Rural District in Mashonaland Central will also see the construction of ethanol production plant and a 36 MW biomass power station which will power the ethanol production plant and supply up to 30 MW of electricity into the national power grid subject to a power purchasing agreement with the Zimbabwe Electricity Distribution Company.
It is intended to produce 120 million liters of fuel-grade ethanol derived from cassava and sweet potato.
In country processing of produce
In country processing of produce
Processing facilities / production infrastructure of the project (e.g. oil mill, ethanol distillery, biomass power plant etc.)
Ethanol and power plant, designed to produce 120 million litres of bioethanol per year and electricity production capacity of 6MW.