Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #5868

Deal #5868 Version #74009

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Former land owner (not by constitution)

Former land owner
Community, Indigenous people
Comment on former land owner
"With communal violence spreading in Rakhine State, it is not expected that the concession will go ahead anytime soon.If violence ends in Rakhine, it is expected that the Yoma Mountain Range that passes north-south through the middle of the state - some of the area that the Vietnamese rubber concession is located in - will be targeted for agricultural concessions as it predominately listed as ‘wasteland’ on MOAI maps, despite generations of swidden cultivation in these mountains by local communities." (p. 22, Woods, 2012)

Former land use

Former land use
Shifting cultivation, Forestry, Conservation

Former land cover

Former land cover
Forest land