1. Data source #vszPF405 Type Government sources Url geoportal.idesa.gob.ar File geoportalidesagobarlayersgeono....pdf
2. Data source #ZGWHZD1T Type Government sources Url www.inmuebles-salta.gov.ar File inmuebles-saltagovar.pdf Comment on data source Through of this website we could access to the date about purchase land.
3. Data source #mOvR0VvJ Type Government sources Url boletinoficialsalta.gob.ar File boletinoficialsaltagobarnewdet....pdf
4. Data source #ztM6aJ7I Type Government sources Url boletinoficialsalta.gob.ar File boletinoficialsaltagobarnewdet....pdf
6. Data source #XwGTWinX Type Media report Url www.cuitonline.com File scuitonlinecomdetalle305093007....pdf