1. Data source #jgP1bJ9x Type Media report Url delo.ua File sdelouaukraineastarta-kupila-a....pdf Date 2007-09-12
2. Data source #Ux-IwhG- Type Company sources Url astartakiev.com File astartakievcommodulespagesuplo....pdf
3. Data source #vb9gI1y_ Type Government sources Url usr.minjust.gov.ua File lan2007-to-poltavazernoproduct....pdf Comment on data source account number of the previous OC - 30827120, new OC - 31059651.
5. Data source #qqAhLGNu Type Media report Url agrokarta.kolosok.info File agrokartakolosokinfod0a1d0b5d0....pdf
6. Data source #DnNImtkc Type Media report Url news.meta.ua File newsmetauaarchive100907cluster....pdf Date 2007-09-10
7. Data source #c_xF3GPf Type Company sources Url pzp.astartakiev.com File pzpastartakievcomhomevirobnich....pdf