Deal #5717

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Operating Company

Operating company
Actors involved in the negotiation / admission process
  • Alcaldía de Tibú Government / state institutions (government, ministries, departments, agencies etc.)
  • Embajada del Reino de los Países Bajos Other
Comment on investment chain
In 2010, the company Oleoflores S.A., the National Federation of Palm Growers, Fedepalma, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the Mayor's Office of Tibú and the African Palm Growers' Association of Campo Dos, Asogpados, created a public-private alliance with the objective of implementing the main criteria of the Roundtable for Sustainable Palm Oil, RSPO. Source 1 and 2. The embassy participated as one of the main investors in the project, with a contribution of $3.7 billion, and as a facilitator between the different parties involved. Source 1
Network of parent companies and tertiary investors/lenders
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  • Is operating company of
  • Is parent company of
  • Is tertiary investor/lender of