Deal #5477 Version 72691 Version 86463
Size under contract (leased or purchased area)
  • [2017, current] 10000.0 ha
  • [2017-03-24, current] 10000 ha
Intention of investment
  • [current] Food crops
  • [2017-03-24, current] Food crops (10000 ha)
Comment on intention of investment
There are claims that the land holding is for speculative reasons only.
Cultivation of rice
Negotiation status
  • [2017] Concluded (Contract signed)
  • [2019-04-11, current] Failed (Contract cancelled)
  • [2017-03-24] Intended (Memorandum of understanding)
  • [2019-04-11, current] Failed (Contract cancelled)
Comment on negotiation status
Subject to a one-year MOU, whereby if they do not comply with the protocol, the contract is terminated. n°03/CD/CM. The inhabitants of Dodel filed its appeal before the Supreme Court on Monday 28 August 2017.On April 11, 2019 the Supreme Court has granted their request and canceled the lease contract.
Subject to a one-year MOU, whereby if they do not comply with the protocol, the contract is terminated. n°03/CD/CM. The inhabitants of Dodel filed its appeal before the Supreme Court on Monday 28 August 2017.On April 11, 2019 the Supreme Court has granted their request and canceled the lease contract.s
Implementation status
  • [current] Project not started
Actors involved in the negotiation / admission process
  • Government of Senegal Government / state institutions (government, ministries, departments, agencies etc.)
Comment on presence of land conflicts
The inhabitants of Dodel filed its appeal before the Supreme Court on Monday 28 August 2017.
The inhabitants of Dodel filed its appeal before the Supreme Court on Monday 28 August 2017.The company was accused of landgrabbing
Comment on negative impacts for local communities
The foreseeable consequences of the installation of this company are the isolation or even the eviction of the populations of more than twenty-three (23) villages, the expropriation of agricultural land intended for family cultivation, the programmed death of livestock in a zone strongly dominated by this activity, the desecration of several cemeteries, the impoverishment of the populations, food insecurity and a massive exodus of the populations. Not taking into account the potential risks of conflicts.
Overall comment
No new information available, the deal was also cancelled
Fully updated

Data source #_xjXPCyQ

Publication title
Bradage foncier : Les Marocains s’offrent 10 000 hectares dans le Fouta
Comment on data source
Bradage foncier : Les Marocains s’offrent 10 000 hectares dans le Fouta

Data source #fGfohpfU

Publication title
Foncier : Un Collectif de Dodèl saisit la Cour suprême contre des Marocain
Comment on data source
Foncier : Un Collectif de Dodèl saisit la Cour suprême contre des Marocains

Data source #qPLW9_T4

Publication title
Sénégal : 10 000 hectares de terres agricoles cédés pour…2 milliards de Fcfa !
Comment on data source
Sénégal : 10 000 hectares de terres agricoles cédés pour…2 milliards de Fcfa !

Data source #iQ1CeN4c

Publication title
Anas Safraoui, ce sulfureux patron marocain qui veut faire du Sénégal « son terrain de jeu
Comment on data source
Anas Safraoui, ce sulfureux patron marocain qui veut faire du Sénégal « son terrain de jeu
Afriquemidi-URL not working-

Data source #9AJxQ6hA

Comment on data source
groupeaddoha website

Data source #U7Z3qX3R

Publication title
Bloomberg- Company Overview of Douja Promotion Groupe Addoha S.A.
Comment on data source
Bloomberg- Company Overview of Douja Promotion Groupe Addoha S.A.
Bloomberg research stocks privatesnap

Data source #baQGLnQk

Publication title
ÉDUCATION – SANTÉ : AFRI PARTNERS offre des appareils d’échographie et des fournitures scolaires aux populations de DODELE et de DEMETTE (vidéo)
Comment on data source
ÉDUCATION – SANTÉ : AFRI PARTNERS offre des appareils d’échographie et des fournitures scolaires aux populations de DODELE et de DEMETTE (vidéo)

Data source #U45MbphX

Publication title
Podor : Quinze villages disent non au projet Marocain
Comment on data source
Podor : Quinze villages disent non au projet Marocain
Diouf Banbacar

Data source #bgzE764k

Publication title
Podor : Quinze villages disent non au projet Marocain
Comment on data source

Data source #oHYKgKiF

Publication title
Accaparement des terres à Dodel et Démette: Les villages impactés saisissent la Cour suprême
Comment on data source
Accaparement des terres à Dodel et Démette: Les villages impactés saisissent la Cour suprême

Data source #mwsH_XHh

Publication title
Les populations de Dodel disent Non au projet des Marocains
Comment on data source
Farmland Grab- Les populations de Dodel disent Non au projet des Marocains
Farmland Grab-available on Youtube

Data source #Y2Xt4gvi

Publication title
Ana Sefrioui injecte 14 000 dollars pour un projet de production de manioc au Sénégal
Comment on data source
Ana Sefrioui injecte 14 000 dollars pour un projet de production de manioc au Sénégal
financialafrik-By Albert SAVANA

Data source #R-SYkl3z

Publication title
RADDHO hosts a press briefing on land grabbing in the municipalities of Dodel and Démet
Comment on data source
La RADDHO anime un point de presse sur l’accaparement des terres dans les communes de Dodel et de Démet

Data source #dH0nqns_

Publication title
Anas Safraoui, this sulphurous Moroccan boss who wants to make Senegal "his playground
Comment on data source
Anas Safraoui, ce sulfureux patron marocain qui veut faire du Sénégal « son terrain de jeu »

Data source #QU85J_Xt

Publication title
- Failed farmland deals: a growing legacy of disaster and pain
Comment on data source
Grain- Failed farmland deals: a growing legacy of disaster and pain

Data source #_wBBwMYB

Publication title
Comment on data source

Contract #8zSb3a8c

Contract number
Comment on contract
farm over a 40-year period