Deal #5319 Version 91900 Version 91931
Comment on land area
Encompasses two dam projects and various agricultural development schemes over approximately 240,000 hectares (600,000 acres) of land.
Intention of investment
  • [current] Biomass for biofuels, Food crops, Livestock, Non-food agricultural commodities, Renewable energy unspecified
  • [current] Biomass for biofuels, Food crops, Livestock, Non-food agricultural commodities
Comment on intention of investment
cotton, corn, sugar, ethanol, and livestock
cotton, corn, sugar, ethanol, and livestock Aims to establish irrigation infrastructure supporting diverse agricultural activities, including cultivation of cotton, corn, sugar, ethanol, and livestock farming.
Comment on investment chain
Consortium created to manage the project, the Companhia do Vale do Rio Lurio (CVRL). Turconsult is headed by Rui Monteiro, an influential Mozambican businessman with alleged high-level connections to Mozambique’s ruling Frelimo Party. Turconsult’s role was described by Arcem as a β€œproject advisor coordinating the consultative and approval process”. Lurio Valley Development Project’s beneficial owners might also include Mauritian-based Agri-Pemba, Highlands Trust and Arcadia Energy and Mining.
Consortium created to manage the project, the Companhia do Vale do Rio Lurio (CVRL). Turconsult is headed by Rui Monteiro, an influential Mozambican businessman with alleged high-level connections to Mozambique’s ruling Frelimo Party. Turconsult’s role was described by Arcem as a β€œproject advisor coordinating the consultative and approval process”. Lurio Valley Development Project’s beneficial owners might also include Mauritian-based Agri-Pemba, Highlands Trust and Arcadia Energy and Mining.Budget estimated at US$4.2 billion.
Comment on consultation of local community
There was lack of consultation and information dissemination among affected communities, leading to concerns of violating Mozambique's progressive land laws. The recent consultations regarding the ProSAVANA project denounced as manipulated and in violation of information laws, indicating a pattern of disregard for community input and legal obligations.
Community reaction
Mixed reaction
Presence of land conflicts
Comment on crops
Production of corn, cotton and sugar
Production of corn, cotton and sugar
Contract farming livestock
  • [current] Other livestock
Comment on contract farming livestock
Aims to establish livestock farming.
Overall comment
budget of US$4.2 billion The Lurio River Valley Development Project (Companhia de Desenvolvimento do Vale do Rio Lurio) says it has applied to government for 600,000 hectares - 347,528 ha in Nampula, 107,117 ha in Cabo Delgado and 152,591 ha in Niassa - and that local consultations (which no one has noticed) are complete
budget of US$4.2 billion The Lurio River Valley Development Project (Companhia de Desenvolvimento do Vale do Rio Lurio) says it has applied to government for 600,000 hectares - 347,528 ha in Nampula, 107,117 ha in Cabo Delgado and 152,591 ha in Niassa - and that local consultations (which no one has noticed) are complete.No new information on this since 2016 and then appears negotiations were still on going (or awaiting approval from gov).
Fully updated

Data source #unOxhIeK

. Timothy A. Wise
Comment on data source
History Repeats as Farce: Giving Away Land Without Consultation in Mozambique. Timothy A. Wise

Data source #cIS-cc-2

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