Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #5293

Deal #5293 Version #71959

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Names of communities / indigenous peoples affected

Name of community

Presence of land conflicts

Presence of land conflicts
Comment on presence of land conflicts
Forced evictions occurred in 2005 when Selous Farming Limited started operating. The situation then changed when Silverlands showed "the willingness to prove the non-involvement in past events and engage in a dialogue with the surrounding villages".

Displacement of people

Displacement of people
Comment on displacement of people
Forced evictions occurred in 2005.

Negative impacts for local communities

Negative impacts for local communities

Materialized benefits for local communities

Materialized benefits for local communities
Education, Productive infrastructure (e.g. irrigation, tractors, machinery...), Financial support, Other
Comment on materialized benefits for local communities
Selous has provided 4.5 tonnes of maize and beans to a local orphanage, construction material to build classrooms at local schools and installed water pumps in neighboring communities. Silverlands’ financial support to the surrounding villages has contributed to endow the local administration with better infrastructures and social services.