1. Data source #Aju1XCks Type Personal information Date 2016-08-23 Name Ardo Sow Organisation Enda Pronat Email juniorsow@yahoo.fr
2. Data source #HYSm2dHl Type Research Paper / Policy Report File hdrundporgsitesdefaultfilessyl....pdf Publication title Decentralized Managment of Irrigation. Areas in the Sahel : Water User Associations in the Senegal River Valley Date 2006 Name Oumar Sylla Organisation Human Development Report Comment on data source URL no longer working: http://hdr.undp.org/sites/default/files/sylla_oumar.pdf
3. Data source #CTJnZcPY Type Personal information Publication title Interview Date 2022-11-07 Name Mohamadou DIEYE Organisation ISRA-BAME Email dieyemohamadou@gmail.com