Version 70657 Version 70658
Size in operation (production)
  • [2015, current] 4000.0 ha
  • [2015, current] 4400.0 ha
Comment on land area
3,000 hectares of corn and 1,000 hectares of beans planted in 2015. Another data source states 12580ha.
The farm area is 10,000 ha of which 5,700 ha will be used for agriculture. Corn and beans planted in 2015.
Crops area/yield/export
  • Cereals (unspecified), Bean, Corn (Maize), Grains (unspecified), Soya Beans, Vegetables (unspecified), Wheat [current]
  • Cereals (unspecified), Sun Flower, Bean, Corn (Maize), Grains (unspecified), Soya Beans, Vegetables (unspecified), Wheat [current]
Overall comment
The farm in Malanje is the most modern and advanced farm in the country, and equipped with all farming machines. largest β€œagricultural production unit in the history of Angola”. The company has another farm in Angola (#5016). The farms are a showcase of modern agriculture in the country. Citic construction is only involved in the construction (won the tender) and training once the center is operational. 5 year contract- 2 years for construction and 3 years for management and training. Citic did not acquire the land itself.
The farm in Malanje is the most modern and advanced farm in the country, and equipped with all farming machines. largest β€œagricultural production unit in the history of Angola”. The company has another farm in Angola (#5016). The farms are a showcase of modern agriculture in the country. Citic construction is only involved in the construction (won the tender) and training once the center is operational. 5 year contract- 2 years for construction and 3 years for management and training. Citic did not acquire the land itself. Pedras Negras was set up with the Chinese and will be finished next year after which Gesterra will continue operating the farm.
Fully updated

Data source #MGTrNxLt

unknown field
Research Paper / Policy Report
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Comment on data source
Report on the Agroangola fair and a field trip to the Malanje region Developing Angolan-Dutch private sector cooperation in agrifood. Thursday October 15st to Friday October 23rd 2015