1. Data source #ToT7uhds Type Media report Url www.freshplaza.com File freshplazacomarticle149643sene....pdf Publication title Senegalese melon campaign started Date 2015-11-24 Organisation Fresh Plaza
2. Data source #V73Miqrk Type Personal information Date 2016-01-12 Name Simon Guillouet Organisation CIRAD Email simonguillouet@gmail.com Includes in-country-verified information Yes
3. Data source #5Ir_8ANL Type Media report Url www.freshplaza.com File freshplazacomarticle121077sold....pdf Publication title Soldive satisfied with Senegal's Charentais campaign Date 2014-05-22 Organisation Fresh Plaza
4. Data source #Th-c0rEW Type Company sources Url www.soldive.fr File soldive-producteurcomukarticle....pdf Comment on data source Company website URL no longer working: http://www.soldive-producteur.com/uk/articles-4/26-16-soldive-senegal/ replaced with company home page
5. Data source #p2HFK6xL Type Media report File universitylifetkvideowatchrj1h....pdf Publication title Growing Perfect Melons in Senegal Comment on data source URL no longer working: http://www.universitylife.tk/video/watch/rj1H5DwsSjc
6. Data source #kU-CPox2 Type Media report Url leafmarque.wordpress.com File sleafmarquewordpresscomtagsold....pdf Publication title Import – export business: LEAF travels well Date 2012-06-11 Organisation LEAF
7. Data source #z1w08ZHh Type Media report Url www.fruitnet.com File fruitnetcomeurofruitarticle168....pdf Publication title Soldive starts Senegal melon harvest Date 2013-03-26 Organisation Eurofruit
8. Data source #st74vj-d Type Media report File eurofresh-distributioncomnewsc....pdf Publication title Charentais proves key to Soldive’s success Date 2014-02-14 Organisation Eurofresh Comment on data source URL no longer working: http://www.eurofresh-distribution.com/news/charentais-proves-key-soldive%E2%80%99s-success