Deal #4619 Version 68709 Version 95876
Size under contract (leased or purchased area)
  • [2015, current] 3200.0 ha
  • [2015, current] 3200 ha
Intention of investment
  • [current] Food crops
  • [2015, current] Food crops (3200 ha)
Comment on intention of investment
β€’ Reclamation, rehabilitation and development of arable lands for agricultural production. β€’ Leasing heavy machinery and various agricultural machinery and equipment. β€’ Agricultural crop production. β€’ Supply of agricultural inputs (fertilizers, Pesticides and Seeds). β€’ Provide harvesting services.
β€’ Reclamation, rehabilitation and development of arable lands for agricultural production. β€’ Leasing heavy machinery and various agricultural machinery and equipment. β€’ Agricultural crop production. β€’ Supply of agricultural inputs (fertilizers, Pesticides and Seeds). β€’ Provide harvesting services. β€’ Cultivation of onions and potatoes
Carbon offset project
Comment on nature of the deal
Leased by the Mauritanian government
Leased by the Mauritanian government.
Comment on negotiation status
The Mauritanian government has canceled a concession of 3,200 hectares granted to AAAID. This decision falls within the framework of the will of the government of President El Ghazouani to put an end to the unjustified land grabbing of the populations of the Senegal River valley
The Mauritanian government has canceled a concession of 3,200 hectares granted to AAAID. This decision falls within the framework of the will of the government of President El Ghazouani to put an end to the unjustified land grabbing of the populations of the Senegal River valley.
Implementation status
  • [2015] Project not started
  • [2020, current] Startup phase (no production)
  • [2021] Project abandoned
  • [2015] Project not started
  • [2020] Startup phase (no production)
  • [2021, current] Project abandoned
Actors involved in the negotiation / admission process
  • Mauritanian government Government / state institutions (government, ministries, departments, agencies etc.)
  • Minister of Economic Affairs and Promotion of the Productive Sectors Government / state institutions (government, ministries, departments, agencies etc.)
  • Minister of Finance Government / state institutions (government, ministries, departments, agencies etc.)
Comment on investment chain
The company’s subscribed capital is approximately USD 8.24 million paid up capital is 4.24 million USD and AAAID owns 100% of the capital shares.
The company’s subscribed capital is approximately USD 8.24 million paid up capital is 4.24 million USD and AAAID owns 100% of the capital shares. The agreement was signed, on the Mauritanian side, by the Minister of Finance Moktar Ould Djay, and on the IAIDA side, by its president Mohamed Ben Abeid Al-Mazroui.
Comment on presence of land conflicts
Mauritanian government has just canceled a concession of 3,200 hectares granted to AAAID. A decision that falls within the framework of the will of the government of President El Ghazouani to put an end to the unjustified grabbing of the land of the populations of the Senegal River valley.
Comment on crops
This agricultural project will mainly focus on the cultivation of onions and potatoes.
Comment on in country processing of produce
cultivation of onions and potatoes, with the essential mission of achieving food self-sufficiency for the Mauritanian market within the next three years.
Comment on source of water extraction
Senegal River
Senegal River Valley
Overall comment
Project cancelled. Mauritanian government has just canceled a concession of 3,200 hectares granted to AAAID. A decision that falls within the framework of the will of the government of President El Ghazouani to put an end to the unjustified grabbing of the land of the populations of the Senegal River valley.
Fully updated

Location #eONfqWsK

Spatial accuracy level
Approximate location
Administrative region

Data source #4HDpPZbz

Publication title
IAIDA leases agricultural land in Mauritania

Data source #QMxdaSvR

Comment on data source
AAAID company website
AAAID company website Page not found

Data source #c_VDahUb


Data source #u-AV1dkl

Samba Camara
financial afrik

Data source #lALSNVw2

Icon-world Le 360 Afrique

Contract #W26hKGSA

Comment on contract
Contract has been cancelled in 2023.