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Deal #4595 Version #68575

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Last full update

Water extraction envisaged

Water extraction envisaged
Comment on water extraction envisaged
{1} Permission of water use dated from 2020-05-08 to 2023-05-08; The purpose of water use: Drinking and sanitary needs, Production needs, Water transfer to the population, Water transfer to secondary water users; Use of water for fire-fighting needs, needs of external improvement of territories of cities and other settlements, dust suppression in mines and quarries; {2} permission of special water use dated from 2020-01-31 to 2025-01-31 , purpose: drinking, production and water transfer to secondary water users. {3) Permission of special water use dated from 2018-09-17 to 2023-09-17; purpose -drinking, sanitary and production {4) water of special water use dated from 2018-03-19 to 2023-03-19; purpose - drinking, sanitary, production, transfer to secondary water users.

Source of water extraction

Source of water extraction
Groundwater, Surface water, River
Comment on source of water extraction
{1}Surface water -rivers Orzhytca, Mnoga, Udaj ; Wells - rivers Mnoga, Orzhytca, Chevelcha, Irzhavets, Udaj. {2}from groundwater - rivers Zolotonoshka, Chymgak, Supiy

How much water is extracted?

Water extraction amount
138 790 m3/year
Comment on how much water is extracted
{1) from surface sources - 5 549 m3 per year, from groundwater - 123 051 m3 per year; water use limit = 44 300 m3 per year; water transfer to the population - 59912 m3 per year; discharge of return water - 29 937 m3 per year [ to the cesspool - 22 722 m3 per year, to the drive -7 215 m3 per year ]; losses in water supply systems - 24 125 m3 per year {2} water intake = 10 191 m3 per year; water transfer to the secondary water users( without use) - 1 586 m3 per year; discharge of return water - 2 523 m3 per year (to the cesspool)