Deal #4593

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Water extraction envisaged

Water extraction envisaged
Comment on water extraction envisaged
Permit for special water use №159 / ХС / 49д-22 from 05.04.2022 to 05.04.2028 for irrigation needs.

Source of water extraction

Source of water extraction
Surface water, River
Comment on source of water extraction
Water intake from surface sources through the P-5-1, Р-5-2, Р-5 в canal from the Kakhovka main canal.

How much water is extracted?

Water extraction amount
1 639 673 m3/year
Comment on how much water is extracted
For 2015 - 150.90000 m3 ths per year For 2022 - 163.9673 m3 ths per year
Use of irrigation infrastructure
Comment on use of irrigation infrastructure
Irrigation was used on 5.5 thousand hectares before the change of ownership. Now the land under irrigation is unclear