Deal #4459
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Names of communities / indigenous peoples affected
Name of community
Name of indigenous people
Chishinga people
Recognition status of community land tenure
Recognition status of community land tenure
How did the community react?
Comment on community reaction
Ms Mwale, who has been cultivating cassava for household use for about 10 years, sees the scheme as an opportunity to earn income.
“I inherited a big parcel of land from my father and so I’m quite confident I will qualify as a beneficiary. “I’m happy because I know I will be able to send all my children to school once I’m enrolled in this programme,” Ms Mwale said.
Promised benefits for local communities
Promised benefits for local communities
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Comment on promised benefits for local communities
Sunbird will supply farmers on the scheme with planting materials and other inputs to support the expansion of cassava production. In addition to empowering farmers with inputs, Sunbird will train farmers and extension staff in the Ministry of Agriculture on cassava production and processing.