Deal #4285

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Materialized benefits for local communities

Materialized benefits for local communities
Productive infrastructure (e.g. irrigation, tractors, machinery...), Capacity building
Comment on materialized benefits for local communities
12,100 smallholder livestock and cropping farmers benefit and their annual incomes have increased by $224 per person each year since before the project. This year’s value-add to communities is over $2.7 million per annum. Over 35,000 cattle owned by smallholder farmers can now access 35 SLIC dipping stations. Community cattle mortality rates are down from 10% per annum to 2.3%. Calving rates are up 19%. This community dipping program continued to grow at a 25% rate in 2020 during the pandemic and despite the tough economic conditions in Zambia. The SLIC team has established 18 demonstration plots throughout the surrounding communities. Silverlands Ranching trains smallholder grain farmers in conservation agriculture and drought resistant crops with assistance from NGO Conservation Farming Unit, AgDevCo and an independent consultant. 62 field days including over 1,700 farmers have been hosted at 18 demonstration plots in community areas in the last year.