Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #4188

Deal #4188 Version #66259

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Negative impacts for local communities

Negative impacts for local communities
Environmental degradation
Comment on negative impacts for local communities
Forest fires burned PT Borneo Indah Marjaya concessions, contributing to the 2015 Southeast Asian haze crisis.

Promised benefits for local communities

Promised benefits for local communities
Health, Education, Other
Comment on promised benefits for local communities
Micro finance institutions, scholarships (source: Company website).

Materialized benefits for local communities

Materialized benefits for local communities
Comment on materialized benefits for local communities
PT BIM has prepared 162 hectares of Plasma plantations which will soon be distributed to residents of Lori Village, Batu Engau District