Deal #3944

Created at
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Last full update

Number of total jobs created

Jobs created (total)
Planned number of jobs (total)
2 000 jobs
Planned daily/seasonal workers (total)
2 000 workers
Current total number of jobs/employees/ daily/seasonal workers
  • [2010] 300 jobs
  • [2015, current] 120 employees 400 workers
Comment on jobs created (total)
300 workers had since been employed once expansion programme for the palm plantation was completed, more people would be employed by ZAMPALM at the plantation. In 2015, 120 permanent staff and 400 seasonal staff have been employed. In 2021, a report says Zampalm plantation provides over 2,000 local jobs during peak performance, in addition to a variety of economic gains for the country.

Number of domestic jobs created

Jobs created (domestic)
Current domestic number of jobs/employees/ daily/seasonal workers
  • [2010] 300 jobs
  • [2015, current] 520 jobs 120 employees 400 workers
Comment on jobs created (domestic)
In 2015, 120 permanent staff and 400 seasonal staff have been employed. The staff received training.