most of the employees are located in the factories.
In addition to the employees, the company contracts with other companies for planting, pesticide spraying, harvesting, etc.
Number of jobs for foreigners created
Number of domestic jobs created
Investor info
Operating company
Local communities / indigenous peoples
Names of communities / indigenous peoples affected
Recognition status of community land tenure
Consultation of local community
How did the community react?
Presence of land conflicts
Displacement of people
Negative impacts for local communities
Promised or received compensation
Promised benefits for local communities
Materialized benefits for local communities
Presence of organizations and actions taken (e.g. farmer organizations, NGOs, etc.)
Detailed contract farming crop and animal information
Detailed electricity generation information
Detailed carbon sequestration/offsetting information
Use of produce
In country processing of produce
In country processing of produce
Water extraction envisaged
Source of water extraction
How much do investors pay for water and the use of water infrastructure?
How much water is extracted?
Gender-related info
Any gender-specific information about the investment and its impacts
Overall comment
Overall comment
Overall comment
Olam rents in Argentina (CΓ³rdova) 17,000 hectares to produce corn, soy and peanuts
Olam rents in Argentina (CΓ³rdoba) 17,000 hectares to produce corn, soy and peanuts
The company's website indicates that they have major operations in Buenos Aires, RΓo Cuarto and Salta, in the north of the country.