Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #3795

Deal #3795 Version #92399

Congo, Rep.
Created at
Last update

Detailed crop, animal and mineral information

Crops area/yield/export
  • Trees (unspecified) [current]

Detailed carbon sequestration/offsetting information

Carbon sequestration/offsetting
  • [2013, current] Other ( 92530 ha)
    Estimated emission reduction/removal during project lifetime: 2311097 tCO2e
    Estimated annual emission reduction/removal: 231110 tCO2e
    Certification standard: Yes
    Name of certification standard/mechanism: Verified Carbon Standard (VCS)
    ID of certification standard/mechanism: 2013-9261
Comment on carbon sequestration/offsetting
The project is a reducing emission from deforestation and degradation plus conservation and sustainable forestry (REDD+) project designed to protect 92,530 ha of unlogged native Congolese forest, legally designated as a selective logging concession. The main activity of the North Pikounda REDD+ Project is the cancelation of the planned degradation and deforestation activities and the decision to instead protect the forest area. The project will implement a series of actions divided into 4 sub-categories: - Carbon stock monitoring - Remote Sensed monitoring - Field Monitoring - Social Activities (see data source 11 & 12).

In country processing of produce

In country processing of produce
Comment on in country processing of produce
Harvested logs not directly exported are processed locally in our own mills, drying kilns and moulding factory. In 2014, the company produced 126 093 m3 of logs and 661 m3 of processed 71 products. The company has carpentry facilities- and produces furniture, frames (doors and windows) as well as panels to build wooden houses.