Deal #355 Version 46450 Version 46452
Negative impacts for local communities
Environmental degradation, Socio-economic
Environmental degradation, Socio-economic, Eviction, Other
Comment on negative impacts for local communities
Through a lease, local landlords formerly growing food crops are now planting rhodes grass and alfalfa. Farmers are suddenly reduced to being underpaid grass production workers
Through a lease, local landlords formerly growing food crops are now planting rhodes grass and alfalfa. Farmers are suddenly reduced to being underpaid grass production workers. Farmers were suddenly reduced to being underpaid grass production workers. Since heavy machinery does most of the work, labour opportunities are also few, driving many farmers to work as sharecroppers in other villages or to migrate to the cities. Grass production by Al Dahra has also caused water shortage in adjacent lands.
Use of irrigation infrastructure
Comment on use of irrigation infrastructure
Al Dahra has installed a heavy water sucking machine which sucks water from the water channels creating water shortage in adjacent lands.
Fully updated

Location #8dmIt4cc

Spatial accuracy level
Exact location
Approximate location