Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #3479

Deal #3479 Version #61480

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Land area

Intended size
10 000 ha
Size under contract (leased or purchased area)
  • [2011, current] 6695.0 ha
Size in operation (production)
  • [2011, current] 1404.0 ha
Comment on land area
the company initially requested 10000 ha, but the government only granted 6.695 ha after having cut out villagers' chamkar and paddy areas

Intention of investment

Intention of investment
  • [current] Non-food agricultural commodities

Nature of the deal

Nature of the deal

Negotiation status

Negotiation status
  • [2010, current] Concluded (Contract signed)

Implementation status

Implementation status
  • [current] In operation (production)
Comment on implementation status
Ministry permitted for land clearance zone 1: 1.100 hectares by letter 2421/255 KSK.NP.PK dated 26 April 2010. Ministry permitted for land clearance zone 2: 2.500 hectares by letter 204/044 KSK.NP.PK dated 12 January 2011. company is accused of illegal logging

Leasing fees

Comment on leasing fee
"Two villages were offered compensation by the company (at a rate of US$100 for every three hectares of lost cashew plantations), which people suspected was far below the market value, but accepted nonetheless, believing they had no choice" (Rubber Barons, p.26)