1. Data source #4FHbbUOw Type Company sources Url www.innovgreen.vn File innovgreenvnindexphpoptioncom_....pdf Date 2013-01-01
2. Data source #LP_nHcha Type Company sources Url chrislang.files.wordpress.com File schrislangfileswordpresscom201....pdf Date 2010-01-01
3. Data source #dB2PT-Rr Type Media report Url www.vir.com.vn File vircomvnforest-projects-facing....pdf Date 2010-12-28 Name Thanh Dat Organisation Vietnam Investment Review
4. Data source #5H5PXzX3 Type Media report Url baodatviet.vn File baodatvietvnchinh-tri-xa-hoiti....pdf Date 2015-06-20 Comment on data source Vietnamese source reviews the whole process, from when the investment license was issued, implementation process of investors, to the decision on breaking contract of local government.