Version 87107 Version 87878
Size in operation (production)
  • [2012, current] 5500 ha
  • [2012] 5500 ha
  • [current] 5329 ha
Comment on land area
Anohter source states "A Nucleus estate of 5,300 ha planted of which 930 ha is immature". Plans to increase 5000ha plantation and 1000ha outgrowers annually.
Another source states "A nucleus estate of 5,300 ha planted of which 930 ha is immature". Sustainability dashboard shows the contract area is 7742ha in one tab and 700ha in another (
Intention of investment
  • [2007, current] Non-food agricultural commodities (7700 ha)
  • [2007, current] Non-food agricultural commodities (7267 ha)
  • [2007, current] Conservation (433 ha)
Comment on intention of investment
Production of rubber
Production of rubber, 4233ha set aside for conservation.
Comment on negotiation status
20 million francs invested in 2007.
20 million francs invested in 2007. CDC acquired the company from the government of Cote d'Ivoire in the early 1980s. It seems as if the plantation was not operational. CDC sold the company to SIAT in 2007.
Implementation status
  • [2007, current] In operation (production)
  • [2007] In operation (production)
  • [2022, current] In operation (production)
Comment on implementation status
CDC acquired the company from the government of Cote d'Ivoire in the early 1980s. CDC sold the company to SIAT in 2007.
Still in operation in 2022.
Comment on contract farming
Increased from 1200 farmers with 13500ha. The company pays 25 million francs to the outgrowers over a period of three years.
Increased from 1200 farmers with 13500ha. The company pays 25 million francs to the outgrowers over a period of three years. Another source mentions 8000 farmers.
Comment on jobs created (total)
652 trained employees 384 permanent workers, 1187 are temporary workers.
Comment on jobs created (domestic)
The employees have access to the medical center and were built new accommodation.
The employees have access to the medical center and were built new accommodation. supports indirectly about 7,000 people within the area 384 permanent workers, 1187 are temporary workers.
Crops area/yield/export
  • Rubber tree [2012, current] 5500 ha
  • Rubber tree [2012, current] 5500 ha
Water extraction envisaged
Water extraction amount
316β€―280 m3/year
Comment on how much water is extracted
This is the usage from the factory.
Comment on gender-related info
8% of permanent workers are women- approximately 30 women. 44% of temperatory workers are women- approximately 522 women.

Location #vqc0k7J6

Spatial accuracy level
Administrative region
Exact location
Lat: 6.54336
Lng: -7.48271
Lat: 6.16524
Lng: -7.72858

Data source #KtL30Ecw

Media report
Company sources