Deal #3074

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Former land owner (not by constitution)

Former land owner
State, Private (large-scale farm), Community
Comment on former land owner
Some plantations were previously state owned. Other land was obtained from the community. Biase was acquired by the Commonwealth Development Corporation, which failed to develop the land. Ibiae and Claro plantations were previously part of the Eastern Nigerian Development Commission, which started in 1963 but was later abandoned in 1970's where community members resettled on the land. Obasanjo concession was bought in 2012 from the Obasanjo Company. Obasanjo company obtained 10000ha for palm oil but was unable to develop the area. This land was classified as a community nature reserve before the land was gifted to the then president Olusegun Obasanjo.

Former land use

Former land use
Commercial (large-scale) agriculture, Smallholder agriculture, Conservation
Comment on former land use
Concessions are encroaching on Nature Reserves- particularly the Cross River National Park. The land is seen as high conservation value- with many species being lost through the conversion to palm oil.

Former land cover

Former land cover
Cropland, Forest land, Marginal land
Comment on former land cover
Forest land has been cleared since 2011.