Deal #3041 Version 87523 Version 95792
Comment on land area
Aslan through Aslan Group Africa set up Rei do Agro in Nampula with a DUAT for around 2,500 ha but so far only cleared some 250 ha. Another source states current size under contract is 2300ha. RdA intends to acquire another 10,000 ha for mainly soybean production.
Aslan through Aslan Group Africa set up Rei do Agro in Nampula with a DUAT for around 2,500 ha but so far only cleared some 250 ha. Another source states current size under contract is 2300ha. RdA intends to acquire another 10,000 ha for mainly soybean production.
Comment on contract farming
160ha under production in 2011/12. Additional 180ha by outgrowers.
Name of investment project
Rei do Agro Limitada
Comment on crops
The farm will also produce corn, wheat, barley and sunflower.
The farm will also produce corn, wheat, barley and sunflower.
Comment on use of produce
Rei do Agro provides feed raw material to the larger poultry integrations in the North.
Rei do Agro provides feed raw material to the larger poultry integrations in the North.

Location #iUxfqaWO

Located in Gurue, Zambezia. Niuce-Tetete
Located in Lioma, Gurue, Zambezia. Niuce-Tetete

Data source #fS26jU_r

Comment on data source
URL link no longer works-

Data source #UDCf18yG

Mendez, England & Associates.