Deal #2402 Version 92607 Version 95782
Size in operation (production)
  • [2012, current] 16000 ha
  • [2012] 16000 ha
  • [2023-08-31, current] 28β€―000 ha
Comment on land area
the original plantation was established in the 1970s but the area was expanded continuously. In 2009 Zambia Sugar acquired Nanga Farms from ZamBeef. In 2012 Zambia Sugar obtained Magobbo.
the original plantation was established in the 1970s but the area was expanded continuously. In 2009 Zambia Sugar acquired Nanga Farms from ZamBeef. In 2012 Zambia Sugar obtained Magobbo. The 2023 annual report indicates 28 000ha is under sugarcane cultivation.
Comment on contract farming
Operates one of the world's leading outgrower schemes involving commercial and smallholder farmers, which is a collaboration of 403 outgrowers with 3 885 people employed by 18 Commercial farmers and 385 smallholders in 3 schemes
Comment on jobs created (total)
Employs 6385 direct employees and 4774 indirect employees.
Comment on presence of land conflicts
conflicts with local people because the area includes a traditional place of worship; conflicts with other industrial users of the river that provides irrigation;
Conflicts with local people because the area includes a traditional place of worship; conflicts with other industrial users of the river that provides irrigation;
Comment on crops
Cane supply in 2023 was 3.167 million tonnes of which 367832 tonnes of sugar were produced of which 78 630 tonnes of sugar was refined
Comment on electricity generation
Owns and operates a 40 Mw electricity power capacity plant, which uses bio-renewable sources (cane fibere or bagasse)
Processing facilities / production infrastructure of the project (e.g. oil mill, ethanol distillery, biomass power plant etc.)
Biomass power plant
In-country end products of the project
Sugar, electricity, animal feed
Overall comment
environmental concerns because of decreased soil fertility, siltation of rivers and excessive water use. Started by CDC in 1970s, taken over by current investor in 2001.
Environmental concerns because of decreased soil fertility, siltation of rivers and excessive water use. Started by CDC in 1970s, taken over by current investor in 2001.
Fully updated

Location #j2r78qzF

Spatial accuracy level
Administrative region
Lat: -15.96266
Lng: 28.01861
Lat: -15.83244
Lng: 27.77994

Data source #4jdZ_WTQ

Company sources
Keep PDF not public
Publication title
Zambia Sugar-Investing in tomorrow delivering today
Zambia Sugar PLC
Comment on data source
Investor information, size on operation and employment information