Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #1999

Deal #1999 Version #56560

Congo, Dem. Rep.
Created at
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Overall comment

Overall comment
Old plantation established in 1911 under Belgium colonial rule. Owned by Unilever. Sold to Feronia in 2009. US$3.6m has been ring-fenced to support the company to strengthen business standards and enhance community facilities -- this includes: refurbishment of the housing and sanitation available to workers; a road maintenance program to update the infrastructure on Feronia land that all local people can use; appointing new health & safety staff and community relations managers; undertaking a comprehensive study of the needs of workers and the local community; a new grievance procedure for workers and community; and land mapping to clearly mark out where the company's land extends. The community is affected by water pollution as a result of chemical spraying from the company.