Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #1976

Deal #1976 Version #56445

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Former land owner (not by constitution)

Former land owner
Comment on former land owner
5,500 hectares of land were allocated from the Sempa Family, and 3,000 hectares out of public land in the same district for this project. However the land was occupied by illegal squatters, as it was not being used by the Sempa Family.

Former land use

Former land use
Smallholder agriculture, Pastoralism, Forestry
Comment on former land use
The Sempa family were not using the land. Illegal squatters were growing coffee, bananas, cassava and potatoes on some of the land.

Former land cover

Former land cover
Cropland, Forest land
Comment on former land cover
Approximately 3600 hectares of natural forest was removed to plant oil palms- causing severe environmental degradation and water pollution. The operations occur on an island of Lake Victoria which has high biodiversity.