Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #1907
Deal #1907 Version #94436
Created at
Last update
Last full update
Number of domestic jobs created
Jobs created (domestic)
Planned number of jobs (domestic)
8 880 jobs
Planned employees (domestic)
4 027 employees
Planned daily/seasonal workers (domestic)
4 440 workers
Current domestic number of jobs/employees/ daily/seasonal workers
- [2010] 5200 jobs
- [2014] 2943 jobs 870 employees 2073 workers
- [2023, current] 4440 jobs 2027 employees
Comment on jobs created (domestic)
KSCL creates job opportunities to up to 4,440 people each season, of which 2027 as a result of direct employment and about 2000 as a result of indirect employment through the appointed sugar selling customers around the country. (Source: Company website - Economic sustainability)
Expansion project to be completed in 2024 is expected to create 2,000 permanent and 2,440 contracted employment opportunities. (Source: Kilombero News KSCL to double its contribution to economic growth, 2021)