Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #1907
Deal #1907 Version #56172
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Illovo Sugar Ltd inherited a long standing land conflict with
the surrounding villages which dates back to the Kilombero Sugar Company's establishment in the 1960s; villagers from Msolwa station, Selous Game Reserve, Gombala and Nyange invaded around 1,976ha. Illovo Sugar Ltd requested compensation from the government for the lost land. The government agreed to compensate
the company by allocating land in Lwipa; the company refused, arguing that it was too far from their plant. It instead demanded about 6000ha to establish another plant in Lwipa. The government refused their request; the company won a case against the government in court;
problem still unsolved (Mwami & Kamata 2011)