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Deal #1798 Version #89295

Sierra Leone
Created at
Last update
Last full update

Number of domestic jobs created

Jobs created (domestic)
Planned number of jobs (domestic)
2 000 jobs
Current domestic number of jobs/employees/ daily/seasonal workers
  • [2010] 200 jobs
  • [2012] 1444 jobs
  • [2017] 2400 jobs
  • [2019] 5000 jobs
  • [2020, current] 2000 jobs
Comment on jobs created (domestic)
Sunbird had employed over 5,000 people in Sierra Leone, but this figure was reduced to only 2,000 people because of COVID-19. Planned 2,000 (originally said 3,000 in Phase I; 4,000 in Phase II). Actual 1,444 people at December 2012, down from 1,669 in August 2012. Permanent jobs were mainly being filled by outsiders, including South African contractors. Wages are below the minimum wage set by the government. Training and skills improvement have been provided for a number of workers. Most of the workers are men. Salaries are paid late. Most of the jobs are temporary. Augustin Palliere & Hubert Cochet conducted a study on the net employment generation of the plantation. They found that the project is likely to result in a deficit of jobs and therefore job destruction. Phase 2 2013-2015, estimated investment: 300 million Euro, estimated labor 4000. A report claims that due to COVID, many permanent employees who had worked for the company for over eight years were terminated, without the appropriate benefits defined by the laws of the country. Seasonal workers were immediately terminated.