Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #1798

Deal #1798 Version #55493

Sierra Leone
Created at
Last update
Last full update

Any gender-specific information about the investment and its impacts

Comment on gender-related info
Less than 10% of the workers are women. Women uniformly describe being dis-empowered by the highly unequal norms of authority in northern Sierra Leone, only further compounded by the arrival of the this project. Women were largely excluded from the process, and are thus not aware of the agreement/ land payments. The women community representatives have no power to influence the decisions of the other representatives (men). Men also control the use of payments received from the project (women don't know what they get paid). The majority employees are men. While some women from the project area have been employed, they have primarily only been involved in the initial land-clearing work and many report having been fired after only a few months of work.