Deal #1498
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Detailed crop, animal and mineral information
Crops area/yield/export
- Food crops (unspecified), Sugar Cane, Vegetables (unspecified) [current]
Comment on crops
Food crops and vegetables will be grown between the pivots on an estimated area of 1 250 hectares. In addition, 1 000 hectares of rice schemes will be developed.The sugar mill will produce about 460 000 tonnes of bagasse
Detailed electricity generation information
Comment on electricity generation
The sugar mill will produce about 460 000 tonnes of bagasse, which will be used to produce steam for sugar processing and for co-generating electricity.The plant will generate up to 30 MW of electricity, of which 27 MW will be used to run the factory, power irrigation pumps, feed offices and residential units.The remaining 3 MW will be sold to Energie du Mali (EDM), the national electricity distribution company.The project will also produce about 60 000 tonnes of molasses per annum. This will be supplied to the
distillery to produce ethanol. The project envisages producing 15 million litres of ethanol per annum. Mali heavily relies on imports of fuels to meet its energy
In country processing of produce
In country processing of produce
Comment on in country processing of produce
Sugar, ethanol-electricity production