Deal #1474 Version 92836 Version 93866
Size in operation (production)
  • [2010-08, current] 25 000 ha
Comment on land area
25,000 hectares on lease, investment agreement for 100,000 hectares.
25,000 hectares on lease, investment agreement for 100,000 hectares.The Malibya project aims to irrigate 100,000 hectares of land. As of August 2010, work had begun but agricultural activities had not started. Since 2011, 25,000 hectares have been develop
Implementation status
  • Startup phase (no production)
  • [current] Project abandoned
  • [2011] In operation (production)
  • [current] Project abandoned
Comment on implementation status
Construction of irrigation channel and asphalt road. Implementation status unsure after fall of Libyan government under Khadafi. Mali's government is unsure what will happen with the deal since the collapse of Libya's government. The future of the project is unclear. One source states that after the civil war started in February 2011 and the coalition forces winning a few months later, the project stopped. One source states that the company has begun working with Spanish partners. Communities are calling for the land and facilities to be made available to them (July 2019).
Construction of irrigation channel and asphalt road. Implementation status unsure after fall of Libyan government under Khadafi. Mali's government is unsure what will happen with the deal since the collapse of Libya's government. The future of the project is unclear. One source states that after the civil war started in February 2011 and the coalition forces winning a few months later, the project stopped. One source states that the company has begun working with Spanish partners. Communities are calling for the land and facilities to be made available to them (July 2019). As of August 2010, work had begun but agricultural activities had not started. Since 2011, 25,000 hectares have been developed. Work has ceased following Gaddafi's death.
Actors involved in the negotiation / admission process
  • Republic of Mali Government / state institutions (government, ministries, departments, agencies etc.)
  • Minister of Agriculture Government / state institutions (government, ministries, departments, agencies etc.)
  • Secretary of the Committee for Agriculture, Livestock, and Fishing Government / state institutions (government, ministries, departments, agencies etc.)
Crops area/yield/export
  • Rice (hybrid), Wheat [current]
  • Accacia, Corn (Maize), Rice (hybrid), Soya Beans, Wheat [current]
Comment on crops
Maize, soya beans, poultry, and dairy.
Comment on how much do investors pay for water
FCFA 2470/ha/year for sprinklers and FCFA 67000/ha/year for gravity irrigation
FCFA 2470/ha/year for sprinklers and FCFA 67000/ha/year for gravity irrigation.The canal is designed to provide irrigation for the 100,000 hectares of land
Comment on gender-related info
Local residents, including young people, women, and children, have expressed a need for fertilizer and support.

Location #axg1-Gsq

Macina, Mali, Mali
Kolongo, Mali
Lat: 14.17691
Lng: -5.16607
Lat: 13.88016
Lng: -5.6872
Ségou, en el área de Office du Niger. El terreno designado para Malibya no fue especificado en el contrato, lo que otorgó a la compañía derechos sobre un sitio o sitios de su elección en la región del delta del río Níger, aproximadamente a 45 km al oeste de Macina.
Ségou, en el área de Office du Niger. El terreno designado para Malibya no fue especificado en el contrato, lo que otorgó a la compañía derechos sobre un sitio o sitios de su elección en la región del delta del río Níger, aproximadamente a 45 km al oeste de Macina. The Malibya canal project is located in the Niger River delta region, specifically in Kolongo, approximately 45 km west of Macina, within the Office du Niger area in Mali.

Data source #AUw3Iho5

Larder, N.
Comment on data source
Larder, N. Space for pluralism? Examining the Malibya land grab, The Journal of Peasant Studies.
Space for pluralism? Examining the Malibya land grab, The Journal of Peasant Studies.

Data source #zLoZSLNx

Brondeau F

Data source #_xWa13lD

Le Monde Diplomatique

Data source #CA-jdpPv

Publication title
Reuters-Shrouded in secrecy, one of Africa's biggest land deals stalls
Shrouded in secrecy, one of Africa's biggest land deals stalls
Chris Arsenault
Comment on data source
URL no longer works-

Data source #0pPlFW5r

Madeleine Bunting

Data source #etLAv5bF


Data source #b3VHvENF

Etienne Monin

Data source #Kt6zdpRO


Data source #hyQy2O9o

openland contracts

Data source #zyNoqAME

Mohamed Keita

Contract #6oxK76xm

Comment on contract
The land, located in the Office du Niger,1 comes free of charge for 50 years. The project is a result of a bilateral agreement between Mali and Libya, specifically with the Libyan sovereign wealth fund's subsidiary, Malibya.Land granted for 50 years, renewable.