Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #1474

Deal #1474 Version #53869

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Water extraction envisaged

Water extraction envisaged

Source of water extraction

Source of water extraction
Groundwater, Surface water, River
Comment on source of water extraction
Canal + underground water (filled from the Niger River). Irrigation canal (40 km Kolongotomo-Boky-Wèrè), routes (40 km) - developed by Chinese company, Sinopec-CGC as industries in the future.

How much do investors pay for water and the use of water infrastructure?

Comment on how much do investors pay for water
FCFA 2470/ha/year for sprinklers and FCFA 67000/ha/year for gravity irrigation

How much water is extracted?

Comment on how much water is extracted
Mali is contractually obligated to provide the “quantity of water needed for the Malibya crops through the Macina Canal.” The Malibya agreement indicates the project may consume water “without restriction” from June to December with some limits in the drier months.