Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #1393

Deal #1393 Version #90321

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Number of total jobs created

Jobs created (total)
Current total number of jobs/employees/ daily/seasonal workers
  • [2019, current] 362 jobs
Comment on jobs created (total)
As per the 12th LEITE report, the company has 362 permanent employees plus 32 subcontractors. Of the total 394 staff, 234 are male and 160 female. "Representative Thomas Alexander Goshua of District 5 in Grand Bassa County has asked one of the largest concession companies in the county, Equatorial Palm Oil (EPO) to abide by its agreement with the Government of Liberia by employing Liberians into key positions. The lawmaker told the public that 50% of EPO's top management positions are meant for Liberians, lamenting that the company can't point at three of the top management positions that Liberians are holding."- March 2021.