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Deal #1164 Version #51630

Congo, Rep.
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Italian oil & gas firm. Has had presence in Congo since 1968; ‘protocol agreement’ signed with governent Nov 2008; MoU signed in 2009; Niari in NW Congo. Eni says its role is as technical consultant to MinAg to help identify most suitable areas and create a consortium to implement the project, in which it will have a maximum stake of 10%. Eni website says feasibility studies are ongoing, and plan is to do environmental and social impact assessment and follow RSPO. In Feb 2009 a special FAO mission visited Congo to evaluate the project’s potential. This included a visit to the site at Mbé, in Pool region. Congo environmental legislation requires ESIAs to be made public. Eni is also working with Congo government on developing tar sands and building a gas-fired power station. The tar sands area of exploration is 70% primary forest, so could impact forests more than the proposed oil palm plantation. Status of investment unclear - since Eni was only advising, it could be that part or all of this 70,000ha is the same land later provided to Fri-El-Green (#1165) or Biocongo.