Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #1159

Deal #1159 Version #51580

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Former land owner (not by constitution)

Former land owner

Former land use

Former land use
Smallholder agriculture, Forestry, Conservation
Comment on former land use
A study on the land area has found the area to be home to the chimpanzee, forest elephant, rare primates such as the endangered drill and the critically endangered Preuss’s red colobus monkey, plus a number of indigenous fish species. The nature reserve adjacent to the project area forms the watershed for the Korup Park.

Former land cover

Former land cover
Forest land
Comment on former land cover
The organisation- Struggle to Economise Future Environment- established by Nasako Besingi- took the Herakles to court for breaking national and international environmental and human rights laws.