Deal #10989
Created at
Last update
Last full update
Number of total jobs created
Jobs created (total)
Comment on jobs created (total)
The company plans to recruit staffs and workers. The company gives priority to people living near the project area.
Number of jobs for foreigners created
Jobs created (foreign)
Current foreign number of jobs/employees/ daily/seasonal workers
- [2008, current] 400 workers
- [2013] 11 workers
Comment on jobs created (foreign)
During the four-year construction period, there are about 900 people including 500 local residents and 400 Chinese workers
During the 30 years of operation and maintenance, the company recruits 30 people including 19 Cambodian staffs and 11 Chinese staffs and workers.
Number of domestic jobs created
Jobs created (domestic)
Current domestic number of jobs/employees/ daily/seasonal workers
- [2008, current] 500 workers
- [2013] 19 employees
Comment on jobs created (domestic)
During the four-year construction period, there are about 900 people including 500 local residents and 400 Chinese workers.
During the 30 years of operation and maintenance, the company recruits 30 people including 19 Cambodian staffs and 11 Chinese staffs and workers.