1. Data source #cPOME6G2 Type Company sources Url globeleq.com File Namaacha Wind - Globeleq.pdf Publication title namaacha wind Date 2023 Organisation Globeleq
2. Data source #izMV2UPs Type Company sources Url www.power-technology.com File Power plant profile_ Namaacha ....pdf Publication title Power plant profile: Namaacha Wind Farm Project, Mozambique Date 2024-10-21 Organisation Power Technology
3. Data source #uqiG-9xO Type Company sources Url globeleq.com File Namaacha_WEF_ESIA_Addendum2023....pdf Publication title Central Eléctrica da Namaacha, SA ESIA Addendum Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Date 2024-04
4. Data source #Q2BEuTyz Type Company sources Url www.realfin.com File Mozambique Government confirms....pdf Publication title Mozambique Government confirms concession for the Namaacha Wind Farm Date 2024-10-19 Organisation Realfin