Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #10866

Deal #10866 Version #95651

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Names of communities / indigenous peoples affected

Comment on communities / indigenous peoples affected
indigenous people live around the project area but the names of the tribes were not specified.

Recognition status of community land tenure

Recognition status of community land tenure
Indigenous Peoples traditional or customary rights recognized by government

Consultation of local community

Community consultation
Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC)
Comment on consultation of local community
The stakeholder feedback began on 20/07/2022 and lasted till 20/09/2022. The project had obtained Free and Informed Prior Consent and BWPC has already entered into an MOA with the indigenous peoples.

How did the community react?

Community reaction

Presence of land conflicts

Presence of land conflicts

Displacement of people

Comment on displacement of people
The project area is a public forestland and does not require or cause physical or economic relocation of people

Negative impacts for local communities

Comment on negative impacts for local communities
The project will not cause negative economic consequences during and after project implementation. It will in fact provide permanent employment opportunities to locals including women.

Promised benefits for local communities

Promised benefits for local communities
Productive infrastructure (e.g. irrigation, tractors, machinery...)

Materialized benefits for local communities

Materialized benefits for local communities
Productive infrastructure (e.g. irrigation, tractors, machinery...)
Comment on materialized benefits for local communities
cheaper and sustainable energy source