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Deal #10825 Version #95093

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Detailed carbon sequestration/offsetting information

Carbon sequestration/offsetting
  • [2025–2050, current] Reforestation & afforestation, Improved forest management
    Estimated emission reduction/removal during project lifetime: 17 740 000 tCO2e
    Estimated annual emission reduction/removal: 590 000 tCO2e
    Certification standard: Yes
    Name of certification standard/mechanism: Other
    Comment on certification standard / mechanism: For the carbon certification: A pilot project for private plantation certification under recognized international standards e.g. W+, Plan Vivo etc. will be developed with the potential for future expansion of this approach. Thus they have not identified yet, but the certification will be based on "agreed national forest sector standards." for national forest whose user rights will be changed to community forest user groups.
Comment on carbon sequestration/offsetting
Based on the Project Appraisal Document The calculation of the project's net carbon balance considers two phases: a 5-year implementation phase and a 25-year capitalization phase. This 30-year timeframe aligns with the long-term nature of forest carbon sequestration, as trees continue to store carbon long after planting or management interventions. Since the project will officially close at 2025, the 25-year capitalization phase considered in the carbon accounting suggests that carbon sequestration benefits are expected to continue until at least 2050.