Please note: you are viewing an old version of this deal. The current version can be found here: Deal #10825

Deal #10825 Version #95093

Created at
Last update
Last full update

Number of total jobs created

Jobs created (total)
Planned number of jobs (total)
140 600 jobs
Planned employees (total)
40 employees
Planned daily/seasonal workers (total)
140 560 workers
Comment on jobs created (total)
Based on the Labour Management Procedure, component wise jobs are: ● Policy and Capacity Building: This component is projected to require 110 skilled workers. ● Community-Based SFM and Plantations: This component will need 1,000 skilled workers, 2,000 semi-skilled workers, 5,450 unskilled workers, and 124,500 community workers (in-kind labor, so won't be paid). ● Forest-Based Enterprise Improvement and Development: This component is estimated to require 500 skilled workers, 1,500 semi-skilled workers, and 4,500 unskilled workers. ● Project Governance, Monitoring, and Learning: This component will need 34 skilled workers and six semi-skilled workers. (These are the ones I counted as employee) Based on these figures, the project is expected to require a total of 140,600 workers, including 124,500 community workers contributing in-kind labor.

Number of domestic jobs created

Jobs created (domestic)
Planned number of jobs (domestic)
140 600 jobs
Comment on jobs created (domestic)
Since the project does not specifi